
Showing posts from December, 2023

Regina Temple: Work-Life Balance for Healthcare Workers

Image Regina Temple: Achieving Work-Life Balance in Healthcare For many workers, working in healthcare is a fulfilling career, and while the industry has earned a reputation for demanding schedules and long hours, a healthy work-life balance is still possible. Between co-worker absences, emergencies, and the growing demand not met by the current workforce, healthcare workers need to set boundaries and ensure that their personal life does not suffer. Here are some tips for maintaining work-life balance in the healthcare field. Scheduling and organization Setting up a calendar so that nothing gets double-booked or forgotten allows the mundane parts of your life to run smoothly, leaving more time for more important things. Meal planning and adapting a scheduled routine every day free up time that might otherwise be spent making extra stops at the grocery store. While difficult at first, Regina Temples says that once routines are in place, they become automatic. Avoid time-wast

Regina Temple: Keeping Healthcare Workers Happy

Image Regina Temple on the Elements of Worker Retention According to Regina Temple, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and health systems everywhere were already struggling to manage inpatient capacity overload while additional procedures were already shifting to an outpatient setting.  Nowadays, hospitals are still reeling from the effects of the pandemic. They are still faced with even greater issues as they address the daily challenges of finding available capacity for an increasing patient population with a higher demand for inpatient healthcare services. Moreover, there is a sharp rise in employee turnover. If a hospital lacked a disciplined management system and an employee retention plan before the pandemic, these new demands on healthcare systems are likely worsening these struggles, says Regina Temple. Here are some key elements that are essential to keeping employees happy and satisfied. 1. You need to anticipate and plan for the changes in patient volume. Em